
P r o j e c t o r focuses light onto film. It stretches films' shining in many directions.

A Woman Under the Influence

P r o j e c t o r believes movies put viewers into the frame of mind of writers, who sit at attention to the patterns of creation, their eyes becoming art directors, their consciences cinematographers in awe of shadows and lenses, their hearts stunt doubles in slow-mo fiery flight. So creative, rather than critical, responses or--combine the two--analyrical writing about film increases the wherewithal to be aware of all that moves into and out of us, through our senses, where outward and inward forget their lines. We're where direction changes its mind.

P r o j e c t o r explores how movies "discover themselves to the senses." In A Treatise of Human Nature, David Hume writes,

'Tis a common observation,
that the m i n d has a great propensity
to spread

on external objects,

and to conjoin with them
AnY inTErnaL ImpRessions,

which they occasion, and which always
make their appearance
at the same time that
these objects
discover them
to the sense

P r o j e c t o r is currently and indefinitely closed for submissions. Thank you to all our writers through the years. Keep writing about how those art forms reach for each other!

The Red Shoes